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About web solutions.

We build all kinds of web solutions for our clients that best suits their business challenges. Web technology has evolved over the years from 1.0 to 3.0 now and will only grow bigger and larger in the years to come. Our team has a knack in understanding the business challenges of our customers and build solutions on the web that are most suited and beneficial for our customer’s business problems.

Our Work Methodology

1. busniness analysis

We begin our engagement to build a high notch digital solution for your business by analyzing your business process in detail and by learning as much as we can about you and your brand because we believe that this is going to be the first step of a long-lasting relationship. Here, we understand your business challenges in detail.

2. Setup and prototype.

This is a key process. Often businesses do not get the desired results because of the gap in the expectation between the stakeholder. Prototyping helps solve this problem and our agile approach ensures that the expectations are met and it saves a lot of time, cost, and energy for all the stakeholders.

3. implementation.

The prototypes are converted to shippable products in this stage. This usually involves a 3-step process – Design, Develop, Test. Your project is developed with the highest standards of quality and is implemented after it undergoes several rounds of Quality Assurance. In this way, the product released to the market will have the highest level of quality in Performance, Usability, and Security.

4. post delivery support

We believe that the completion of a work is just the beginning of a new relationship and not the end. A project starts receiving real-time feedback once it reaches its end customers. The customer often provides feedback that they would want to see or experience on the systems they use or interact with. We at CodeRythm offer the best post-delivery support to our customers.

Website design and development.

Website is your 24x7x365 salesperson. The first step to discovering a business online is to check its website. So your website should speak volumes about you and should explain you in detail. A website visitor should be able to know who you are and find more about you without any hassle. At CodeRythm, Thanks to our constant learning and evolution we have been able to deliver quality websites to our customers that are discoverable on search engines and also help the visitor to easily navigate through the website.

Enterprise web solutions / web applications

Complex tasks require simple solutions. We have enough problems and lesser solutions and we would like to place ourselves on the solution end. We specialize in building Web applications for customers who have complex business problems that can be easily solved with the right use of technology.

Web Portals

We have built Web portals for customers belonging to different business domains that have helped the various stakeholders in the organization to make more informed business decisions. Web portals serve different use cases. It helps increase the interaction between members in an organization and increases the exchange of information within the organsiation in a secure manner.